We are in Yuma for the New Year! No, we did not make resolutions to lose x # of lbs. We mix our eating with healthy food and food that tastes good. I also enjoy it when I don't have to cook.
Breakfast at the clubhouse is served but Terry prefers the FREE donuts and coffee that the RV vendors bring to the campground Mon.-Sat. Yes, we walk through the 6 to 10 models of RVs they are demonstrating and return to our motor home very pleased with our own RV. We find that we already have the features that we really want. Some RVs have pretty options but they also include fancy price tags.
Monday is potluck at the clubhouse. Tues.- Sat. they serve different meat each night, such as roast beef, fried fish, or meatloaf. This meal includes potatoes, a vegetable, salad, roll, and coffee or tea for $4.50.
As we drove through the Arizona dessert, we came to groves of date palms. We stopped at a building that sold date products. I had a date ice cream shake. Yum-yum!
Yuma has acres and acres of flat green fields of vegetables, which are irrigated by the Colorado River. You don't find many vegetable stands but can buy these fruits and veggies at the flea markets. I bought 10 grapefruit, 5 oranges, broccoli, cauliflower, green cabbage, red cabbage, lettuce, tomatoes, celery, a green pepper, green onions, a cucumber and radishes for a total of $12.40. I wish that I could preserve these veggies and take them to Alaska with us.