Friday, January 27, 2012


When we left Boomerville, a temporary town without electricity located 6 miles from Quartzsite on BLM land, there were 130 RVers, which had signed in as residents.

What did we do there? Every afternoon was Happy Hour at 4 pm where we joined the other RVers to meet each new arrival, get the news and next day activities from Pam and Steve and eat snacks.

Many of our activities centered on food such as the Pancake breakfasts, potlucks and chili cook-off. My contribution, the second pot from the right, was one of over 30 entries in the chili cook-off.

There was a morning walk to counteract all the food. Each evening there was a bonfire.

Seminars were held on such topics as solar power, boondocking 101, and RVing to the Maritime Provinces.

Many Boomers helped each other with technical RV questions. Terry helped Wendy and Vic with their questions about solar power in their rig.

The PACE theater, shown on side of the PACE RV, showed such topics as Travel to the Holy Land, Travel via Amtrak, Decorating for the Rose Bowl parade, and Traveling to the Panama Canal Zone.

The traditional Jeraldine contest had five “ladies” participating. One wife said that she saw a side of her husband that she had never seen before.

The auction for the Escapees CARE facility in Texas netted over $2500.

Tom took some bird’s-eye photos of Boomerville but Terry took several photos of Tom flying overhead. I took a view from the ground but no blog can show everything that happened. With so many active Escapee RVers, you will get many stories of fun. You ask the cost of this rally? Everything was free. Even the sunsets.

1 comment:

GoneRving said...

Can't wait until we can join in, possibly next year! What a great life!

Mike and Dee