Sunday, June 14, 2009

Down Memory Lane

Iwent on a trip down memory lane to the place where I spent my childhood in Michigan. The school was painted white when I attended this one room country grammar school. The house I lived in has been torn down and another one built in it’s place but the red brick octagon house that my grandparents lived in, is still a home. It was three stories when my grandparents lived there but my Uncle Sierd and Aunt Mae bought it, removed the top story and replaced the roof. I remember my Great Grandmother Maggie sitting in her rocking chair in this house. She was served tea at precisely three o’clock everyday. Us children were only allowed tea, which was half milk and half tea, when we drank it with her.

Terry and I went to my Aunt Margie’s house and drank tea with her.

We returned to our RV where we are parked by Aunt Jean and Uncle Bern’s house. Aunt Jean taught me to sew so I could make skirts, when I reached the gangly age of 13 and had problems fitting into the dresses I owned. When I moved back to Michigan after my marriage, I made Barbie doll clothes for Jean’s daughter Laura. Laura visited with us and showed me the doll clothes that I made forty + years ago.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Great octagon house.
