Friday, November 19, 2010

Birth and Death

In case you didn’t read the comment from Jerry and Suzy about Uncle Don, I’m quoting it now. “Uncle Don lived his heaven while on earth, now has another heaven to wander through and enjoy. You were undoubtedly as much a blessing in his life and he was in yours.” Thank you, Jerry and Suzy. What a beautiful way to express your thoughts!

I also lost Uncle Jake during the last month. He was also a Christian and I’m sure that he is in heaven. The photo was taken at Aunt Margie’s 75th birthday party. Uncle Jake is wearing a plaid shirt and standing by his wife, Aunt Margie. My parents are sitting in the foreground.

A great memory of Uncle Jake is when Terry and I did some sight seeing with him and Margie in AZ. Jake delighted in telling everyone we met that it was his 21st birthday and laughed at the startled expressions on people’s faces. He was right. Since his birthday was on February 29, he had only had 21occurances of his birthday even though he was 84 years old.

My niece, Megan and her husband had a baby girl named Ellie on Oct. 19. My nephew, Ben and his wife had a baby boy named Joseph on November 18. Isn’t it wonderful the way life balances out? I look forward to meeting the new babies when we go to Iowa next spring or summer.

1 comment:

Jerry and Suzy said...

Yes, the new ones are wonderful! We got our first great grandson a year ago, and thankfully there were no family deaths in the balance. I'm particularly thankful, as I'm the oldest in the family!