Friday, September 26, 2008

Cassiar Highway Adventures.

We took the Cassiar (Highway 37) in British Columbia hoping to see more black bears and as a more direct way of getting to the USA where diesel was $ 3.99 a gallon instead of $1.42 a liter or over $6 a gallon.

We met interesting people such as the senior mushroomer who showed us his pine and lobster mushrooms. (The orange mushrooms I’m holding are the lobster mushrooms.)
He asked us if we had seen his bicycle that was stolen.

We drove to the end of the road in the green toad. While attempting to turn around in the driveway, we met Zanna Ove who creates “Radiant Indian Health” which is a bi-monthly health booklet of sixteen pages to give to the “natives”. The paintings, which she creates for cover photos, are excellent. She took me into her home, which is pictured, and showed me her work while Terry visited with her husband who showed him the buildings that had been a school. It is a large complex, which included a greenhouse and dormitories for the young people who used to go to school there.

The photo is of a boardwalk at Fish Creek, which was built as a viewing place for bear. Unfortunately, the salmon were few this year. Since bear hunting with a camera wasn’t too successful, we drove the Suzuki several miles along the Salmon glacier. (This glacier picture is taken with fireweed in the foreground.) We saw helicopters, which were picking up large tubes and flying them away. When we asked what they were looking for, one crewmember said, “diamonds.” Others said that they were exploring the area and obtaining core samples of mineral deposits. The Bear Glacier, a much smaller glacier pictured by the water, is receding but continues to be a point of interest.

Pictured are some of the fourteen bears that we saw along the Cassiar Highway and the small gravel roads connected to the Cassiar.

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